
Welcome to the JRB art blog! If you are a parent, I hope seeing what we are creating in class will help you discuss your child's artwork with them!
If you are another art teacher, feedback is welcome! Whoever you are, please leave a comment!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Color Wheel Study

Students at all levels are studying various aspects of the color wheel. 
Grade 2 is focused on complementary colors and is making color wheel pizzas:

Third graders are studying tertiary colors and making color wheel umbrellas:

Family STEAM Night 2016

Sign up on the JRB website: http://www.awrsd.org/jrb

Monday, January 18, 2016

FREE CHOICE: Radial Symmetry

After studying radial symmetry, students used their free choice time 
to explore the concept in other media:

Kindergarten Shape Scarecrows

Kindergarteners studied shapes and lines and used them to create these imaginative scarecrows:

Fourth Grade Birch Trees

Students are studying space in a work of art, more specifically atmospheric and two-point perspective. They painting winter birch trees using these techniques:

First Grade Winter Trees

First graders studied warm and cool colors and created winter trees:

Fifth Grade Rope Baskets

Fifth grade students spent their unit on pattern learning how to create Navajo rope baskets:

Kindergarten Color Study

Kindergarteners have started a unit on color. They are currently studying the primary colors: red, yellow, and blue.

First, they studied the work of Piet Mondrian and made winter hats in his style:

Next, students used the primary colors to draw winter pictures of cardinals: